Sunday 24 December 2023

Salesforce Spring24 Release Interesting Features

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Spring24 sandbox preview cutoff date is Jan 2nd, 2024. Refresh your sandbox between now and Jan 2nd, 2024 to redirect to preview instance as per sandbox preview instructions article. Jan 2nd, 2024, new/incomplete sandbox refresh requests would be routed to non preview instance i.e. current release. 

All preview instances will be upgraded to Spring24  on Jan 2nd, 2024 and non preview instances on Feb 15th.

Review the Sandbox Preview Guide to verify if your sandbox falls in preview/non preview and here is the detailed demo.

Spring release notes - here

Release Readiness Trailblazer Community Group - here

Non Production/Testing Use case features -
Pilot - 
Usually the first phase of public testing, Pilots normally include a small subset of participant Organizations. These Organization’s must request to opt in to a Pilot and then be nominated for participation.

Features with successful Pilots will often transition to the BETA phase. This involves rolling the feature out publicly for testing. 

Features for Production Use -
Generally Available (GA) - Once a feature has passed the Pilot and BETA testing phases it will be formally included in a Salesforce release

Spring 24 Enforced Release Updates - 

    Spring24 Release Highlights | Demo here - TBU

    General Enhancements - 

    • MFA enforcement begins