Tuesday 19 May 2020

Interesting Salesforce Chrome Extensions/tools for Productivity

SOQL Extractor and Analyzer for SalesForce

Extract SOQL queries with their execution counts from Debug Logs of Salesforce. Helps you analyze the 'Too Many SOQLs' error.

Salesforce advanced Code searcher


Salesforce extentions helps to Quick Find,Login,Query,Backup,View LWC Code,Cron Expression,Record Edit-View,Exports

Salesforce API Fieldnames

Salesforce inspector to inspect data/metadata

Salesforce Navigator

Comparison Toolhttps://appexchange.salesforce.com/appxListingDetail?listingId=a0N3A00000EcqksUABAnalyze, compare and contrast security settings (Profiles and Permission Sets) within environments or between environments.

Find quick, reproducible 3-minute demos for Salesforce Platform products & features.


Identify hardcode references in your org -
To auto complete text using snippet - https://blaze.today/

Wednesday 13 May 2020

Top Authentication features of Salesforce Summer 20

  • Delegated Authentication can be enabled from SSO settings without contacting Salesforce Support

  • Feasibility to turn off case-sensitivity of Federation IDs for your entire Salesforce org, easing integration by enabling Make Federation ID case-insensitive under SSO settings

  • Feasibility to skip identity verification for highly trusted users by enabling " Skip Identity Confirmation at Login" permission for the required user profile.

  • Ability to Filter Login History by Application and Login Types i.e.filter Login History reports and list views by the type of application a user logged in from, such as a mobile device. You can also filter by the type of login, such as Outlook integration logins. These filters apply to login data captured over the past 6 months.

Monday 11 May 2020

Salesforce Availability Tutorial

Salesforce Availability sfdconestop video -

To check all Salesforce release schedule/maintenance/ongoing service disruption, visit-status.salesforce.com

Salesforce Storage/Org Limits Monitoring/Apex Governor Limits

Apex Governor Limits -


Get org wide usage/limit using System.OrgLimits.getMap() then show them with progress bar.


Run the below code from developer console -
 Http http = new Http();
        HttpRequest httpReq = new HttpRequest();
        HttpResponse httpRes = new HttpResponse();
        httpReq.setHeader('Authorization', 'OAuth ' + UserInfo.getSessionId());
        httpReq.setEndpoint(URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm()+ '/services/data/v48.0/limits/');
        httpRes = http.send(httpReq);
        //return httpRes.getBody();
       system.debug(''+ JSON.serializePretty( JSON.deserializeUntyped(httpRes.getBody())));

Friday 1 May 2020

Summer 20 Highlights/Interesting Features

Summer 20 Highlights Video on my channel sfdconestop -

To explore the summer 20 features and have hands on experience, sign up for the pre release org using below link - https://www.salesforce.com/form/signup/prerelease-summer20/

Post user creation login using login.salesforce.com url.

Few of the Summer 20 features that are interesting and beneficial are as below -

 1) Split Views for lightning Salesforce application

Split view previously was available only for the console navigation style.Now with summer 20 split view is available for all the objects in the navigation bar

2) Salesforce optimizer

The Optimizer page in Setup has a refreshed look, but it still delivers the same recommendations about simplifying customizations and driving feature adoption.All the recommendations are available in lightning application and need not scroll over the pdf

3) Release Updates(Beta)

Release Updates offers a detailed view of information previously found in the Critical Updates console
Review and activate release updates to improve org performance, security, business logic, and usability. Unified view of security updates and critical updates. This gives admin clear instructions on the due date, whats changing and how the release update will impact their org

4) From summer 20 by default with bulk api you can process 15,000 batches in a 24-hour period.

5) Dynamic Forms (Non GA) in lightning app builder

To enable Dynamic Forms in your org, from Setup, enter Record in the Quick Find box, and then click Record Page Settings. In the Dynamic Forms section, flip the switch to On.
This can be used to place fields anywhere instead of going to page layouts and is available only for custom objects

Reduce the number of page layouts by setting component visibility rules

Summer 20 release notes will be available from 4th May.

Sandbox Preview/Non Preview-

Sandbox Instances are split up in two groups – Preview and Non-Preview. Preview Instances are instances which get upgraded to the newer version of Salesforce before Production Instances (e.g. NA2, EU1, AP0) and Non-Preview Instances are upgraded towards the end of a Major Release along with the majority of Production Instances as few customers want to delay the upgrade on one or more sandboxes due to requirements around specific projects.

sandbox preview starts approximately 4-6 weeks before the production upgrade, cut off date for preview sandbox is 29th May.

You can key in your instance name like cs87 at the instance of the below url to understand what action to be take to stay in preview/non preview mode-

Sandbox Refresh Calculator -



Sandbox Preview Trailhead -


Sandbox preview cutoff date is May 29th 

Summer20 Release notes-