Salesforce CPQ Installaton Steps

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Review the CPQ demo video here -

Installation Steps -
To install CPQ in your Org, go to
Go to the Package installation links, and look for Salesforce CPQ, Pick up the latest installation file based on the need.
If you want to install CPQ in Developer Org, use the sandbox links
If you want to install CPQ in Production Org, Use the production links
Click on the Production link as we will install Production package in our Org.
It redirects to your login page and select the username and then select Install for All users and click on Install button as shown.

Once the package is installed successfully you will receive an email and when you refresh your salesforce org you can see that salesforce CPQ is installed.

Now click on Configure button, it says
Further setup is required by an administrator. Go to Salesforce CPQ Settings > Pricing and Calculation and authorize the new calculation service.

Go to Pricing and Calculation Tab and click Authorize new calculation service,

Click on Allow access

Then save the settings.

That's it Salesforce CPQ is installed in your Org as shown below,


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  2. Thanks @Pravs for the feedback, Please do check our you tube channel for vidoes

  3. Thanks, this is generally helpful.
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    Visit us: sales force CPQ Online Training
